Are you a Toyota owner? If so, you’ll want to know about an article posted on Toyota’s Parts and Services website regarding collision repair. The article emphasizes the importance of using original equipment manufacturer (OEM) parts and procedures when repairing your Toyota vehicle after an accident.

You might be wondering why this is important. Well, when an insurance company is handling your repair, they have an obligation to restore your vehicle back to its pre-accident or pre-loss condition. However, some insurance companies may push for “industry standard” procedures and alternative parts that aren’t from the manufacturer. This could compromise the safety and integrity of your vehicle.

That’s why Toyota is advocating for using OEM parts and procedures for your collision repair needs. By using Toyota’s parts and procedures, you can be sure that your vehicle is being properly and safely repaired. Plus, it ensures that your vehicle is restored to its original condition, which helps maintain its dependability, reliability, and quality.

But it’s not just about the repairs themselves. Using OEM parts and procedures also helps you avoid liability issues if there’s a malfunction or crash. You don’t want to be caught in a situation where your vehicle’s repairs were not done properly, and that led to an accident or malfunction.

So, what should you do if you need collision repair for your Toyota? First, make sure you understand your state’s collision repair laws. Then, choose a repair shop that uses OEM parts and procedures. This way, you can be confident that your vehicle is being repaired correctly and that you’re getting the quality you expect from Toyota.

Toyota also provides tips for interacting with insurance company apps that rely on photo estimating. These apps might recommend alternative parts or procedures that aren’t from Toyota, so it’s important to be informed and advocate for your own vehicle’s repair needs.

In conclusion, as a Toyota owner, it’s important to be aware of the benefits of using OEM parts and procedures for collision repair. Not only does it ensure the safety and integrity of your vehicle, but it also helps you avoid potential liability issues. So, make sure you’re choosing a repair shop that uses OEM parts and procedures for your Toyota’s collision repair needs.

For the record, this information applies to any and all vehicles repaired here at Ground Zero Collision. Yes, the above information is specific to Toyota and the article they published on this matter. However, we strongly advocate using OEM parts on all of our repairs for all the same reasons mentioned above.  If you have any questions about why we take such a stance, please feel free to check out this article or contact us directly. We are here to help.